Make Your Own Honey Coconut Candles

What you'll need

  • 1/2 cup of organic raw coconut oil
  • 1 pound organic white beeswax
  • Old/new jars, glasses, bowls
  • Pre-waxed hemp candle wicks
  • Wick holders or clothes pins
  • Wick stickers

Links to supplies:

We love candles, but often times they have a lot of synthetic fragrance that when burned can cause irritation, especially to sensitive groups. These homemade candles contain no pesticides or added fragrance. Beeswax candles actually have purifying properties, meaning they clean the air as they are burned by binding with toxic chemicals. 

This candle will give off a light coconut scent when burned. 

With this recipe, you can make three 6oz candles

Step 1: Melt your wax

It is recommended to melt your wax in a double boiler. You can add your pound of beeswax to a large mason jar and put it into a pot of water. Heat on medium (Note: this can take up to an hour for the wax to completely melt.) 

Step 2: Prep your glass jars

Grab some spare glass jars, bowls, or cups. I thrifted a bunch from Goodwill!

Clean out your glass with a multi-purpose cleaner.

Place your jars in the oven, then put the oven on 200ºF. Let the jars warm up for 30 minutes (this helps prevent the candle from sinking too much as it cools and the wax hardens).

Step 3: Place wicks in the center of your jars

After taking the jars out of the oven, place a wick sticker on the bottom of the wick and stick the wick in the center of your jar. For larger jars, feel free to use 2-3 wicks. 

Slide the wick holders over the wick and try to secure them in the center of the jar. If the jar is small, you may want to place the wick holder on after you pour the wax to give yourself more room to pour! As long as you position the wick while the wax is still liquid this works fine.

Step 4: Add coconut oil

When you notice the wax is melted, stir in 1/2 cup of organic raw coconut oil for scent!

Step 5: Pour the wax

Once the wax is completely melted, pour slowly into the jars. 

Step 6: Finishing touches

Adjust your wicks if needed (make sure they’re where you want them) and wait for your candles to solidify! (this usually takes at least a few hours).

If you notice the candles sink towards the center, you can top it off with another layer of melted wax the next day. 

Once the wax is completely hardened, trim the wicks to your desired height.